Sunday, February 17, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy Week

This is going to be a pretty busy week around here.  I decided that today would be a "lazy mama" day.  We all need one of those once and a while.  Well, I'm not sure how successful I was.  Today I washed, dried and folded laundry.  I planned dinner, did some sweeping, took a shower, took the kids to Sunday School and was a appliance repair person.  So much for taking it easy.  All in a days work right.  Both little boys have birthdays this week and Travis's basketball team is in a tournament.  Never a dull moment. 

Looking at this sweet picture of Leigha smooching sleeping Wyatt.  Makes me just want to slow down for a second, so I don't miss stuff like this.  I'm the luckiest Mama in the world.  There is no greater gift then my amazing children.

Have a great week friends. 

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